Achieving Excellence Together

At Someries Juniors, we are proud of our school. Most of our children enjoy being here and learn well throughout their time here. As well as making good progress in their learning, they leave us at the end of their schooling with many happy memories of great times in class, out in the grounds and on trips.

As a staff, we strive to be even better - a truly excellent school for our children. Our vision is to be a school where children develop into the "best versions" of themselves and leave us as responsible citizens who will make a positive difference to the world.

We have received positive feedback from staff, Ofsted and our pupils .

Feedback from our pupils

In their annual survey, the pupils were  very positive about their Someries experience. When asked what they liked about the school here are some of the positive responses:

  • I like this school because there is opportunities for everything.”
  • “It encourages me and helps me build up on things I can do, for example sports week or maths, sports week has inspired me to keep trying no matter what.”
  • “This school is so fun!”   “I love everything.”
  • “I like Someries Junior School because they make it as fun as they can and help us in any way. And get us settled in so we can enjoy school and be equal with everyone.”
  • “You can easily make friends around the school.”
  • “I like it because it is amazing and you can learn new things.”
  • “The people are so kind and caring.”
  • “It makes people work together and it teaches people to respect people from different backgrounds.”
  • “I like how teachers and students are very kind.”
  • “The teachers are nice and funny.”
  • “Everybody is nice to each other. And everyone treats others equally.”
  • “I also like that all the other children are kind and nice.” “I like the learning because it challenges me.”
  • “All the teachers are really nice and help me out when I am sad, upset, stuck, and angry.”
  • “I like it because we have lots of equipment and sports we can do.”
  • “I like this school because you get to do fun activities e.g.: Extreme Fun Day, British Day.”

Pupil survey results

Response Key:  1 = Strongly agree/All the time    2=  Agree/Most of the time   

  3= Neither agree nor disagree/Some of the time   4= Disagree/Almost never   

  5= Strongly disagree/Never

 Feedback from our parents and carers

 The Parent and Carer Survey in March 2023was also very positive. It also gave us some ideas on what we can do to improve. Here are some examples of the positive feedback:

  • “I feel it is well rounded and offers great support”

  • “We like how the school has a real community feel.”

  • “So grateful that all my kids had a chance to come to Someries!! Keep it up and thank you.”

  • “The teachers are very approachable. I have a feeling that I can talk to them and be heard. The teachers and staff all know well my child.”

  • “Listens and responds to my concerns and suggestions”

  • “Keeps parents well informed about school activities.”

  • “I do feel my child is known by most staff and head which is a lovely feeling as a parent to know he is a person and not a number.”

  • “Children come to school with pleasure, they are happy to meet their teachers.”

  • “Caring about everyone and treating people with respect and care.”

  • “Allows children to explore topics such as environmental issues and inclusion.”

  • “There is lots of opportunity to try sports and engage in local competitions.”

  • “The events for parents to join in with their children are great.”

Feedback from Ofsted

We were very pleased with the feedback from our 2019 Ofsted inspection which confirmed that the school is providing a good education for the children:

  • "You and your staff provide a happy and effective learning environment for pupils."

  • "Pupils behave extremely well and are making sustained progress in their learning... They look after each other in their learning and play"

  • "Pupils aim to be ‘the best versions of themselves’ and are supported well by staff in achieving this goal."

  • "Pupils are ambassadors of the school’s values."

  • "Relationships between staff and pupils are very well developed."

  •  "Pupils are safe and well cared for at school."

  • "Creative subjects are taught particularly well and pupils enjoy them."

You can read more feedback here: Ofsted latest

A good place to work

In addition to the above, we have also conducted a staff survey (Nov 2022) where 100% of the respondents said that they are proud to be a member of staff here.

Mr Hunt, Head Teacher

School Information

Someries Junior School is an inclusive and diverse community with high expectations for all of our pupils.  We are committed to providing the highest standard of education for every pupil; it is a place where children really matter and every individual’s ability is recognised, developed and celebrated.

We are a popular two form entry school on the eastern side of Luton, close to the Hertfordshire border.  The school officially opened on 15 March 1973 and caters for children aged 7-11 years with approximately 240 children on roll.

A large number of our pupils transfer from Someries Infants School which is located on the same site with a number of pupils also joining us from other neighbouring schools.

Our dedicated staff ensure that both adults and children enjoy working in a friendly, calm and purposeful environment. We enrich our children’s learning through a variety of educational visits and provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities and clubs.

We work hard on promoting a positive partnership with parents, carers and our local community.


Latest Someries Juniors Calendar Events

Year 4 field trip (local018Sep2024

Year 6 residential trip to PGL22Sep2024

Donations for food bank to be brought in for Harvest Festival30Sep2024

Flu immunisations (all year groups)30Sep2024

RE week30Sep2024

Calendars page(s): Someries Juniors Calendar >>

Some of our awards: