Key Stage 2 Results

and Education Performance Tables

Most recent results - Summer 2023

In the national Key Stage 2 tests and teacher assessments in English and Maths, our 2022 cohort achieved the highest results in Someries Juniors since these tests began in 2016. Their results were higher than the national average in all areas. (Our teacher assessments for Writing were externally moderated this year.)


Expected standard:


Expected standard:

National Average

Greater depth


Greater depth

National Average

Reading 70% 73% 23% 29%
Writing  78.3% 61% 22% 13%
Mathematics 70% 73% 17% 24%
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 75% 72% 23% 30%
Combined 60% 59% 13% 8%


SATs Test Average Scaled Scores

  • Reading: 103.3 (National: 105)
  • Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling:  103.9 (National: 105)   
  • Maths: 102.3 (National: 104)

(100 is the 'expected standard' score for a Year 6 pupil across the country)

Performance Tables

 Link: School and college performance tables service  

Previous results - 2022

In the national Key Stage 2 tests and teacher assessments in English and Maths, our 2022 cohort achieved the highest results in Someries Juniors since these tests began in 2016. Their results were higher than the national average in all areas. (Our teacher assessments for Writing were externally moderated this year.)


Expected standard:


Expected standard:

National Average

Greater depth


Greater depth

National Average

Reading 84.7% 74% 35.6% 28%
Writing  81.4% 69% 22.0% 13%
Mathematics 81.4% 71% 25.4% 22%
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 83.1% 72% 37.3% 28%
Combined 71.2% 59% 13.6% 7%


SATs Test Average Scaled Scores

  • Reading: 106.7 (National: 105)
  • Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling:  106.8 (National: 105)   
  • Maths: 105.2 (National: 104)

(100 is the 'expected standard' score for a Year 6 pupil across the country)

ARE+ = achieving age related expectations   or higher          GD = greater depth

GPS = Grammar, punctuation and spelling                              RWM = Reading, Writing and Maths combined