School Council

School Council

3 Draco - Amelia

3 Lyra - Macy

4 Aquila - Malek

4 Orion - Alessia

5 Hercules - Jamie

5 Perseus - Inaaya

6 Andromeda - Ugo

6 Pegasus - Harry 

Eco Council

3 Draco - Erin

3 Lyra - Tia

4 Orion - Ellis

4 Aquila - Rosha

5 Hercules - Paige

5 Perseus - Raheem

6 Andromeda - Evelyn

6 Pegasus - Taleigha 

Head Pupil Team

Head Boy - Zain

Deputy Head Boy - Joseph

Head Girl - Evie-Rae

Deputy Head Girl - Darby 


New School Council

Our school council is playing an increasingly important role in school. Last year’s council oversaw big changes to our Someries Diner and this year’s council will be helping shape improvements to the playground and better recycling in school.
To become a councillor, pupils go through a two-stage process: the first stage involves presenting themselves to their class and being one of the two candidates voted to continue onto stage two; the next stage is an interview by the head pupils who chose one of the two candidates from each class to be on school council. The head pupil team took their responsibility very seriously and thought long and hard before making their choices.

The new school councillors were presented to the rest of the pupils in a special assembly.
They have received their badges and have begun working on their roles and responsibilities with support from Miss Perini and Mrs Whiting.


Investors in Pupils

Our school councillors play a key role in working towards Investors in Pupils status for the school. You can find out more about this on the Investors in Pupils page of the School Life section.