
 Our Curriculum Intent

Please find our curriculum intent statement here: Curriculum intent and vision

Our curriclum vision:

We teach the National Curriculum through cohesive and inspirational learning experiences making sure there is breadth and depth in each subject.  We ensure progression in skills and knowledge for all pupils across the key stage.

Stimulating learning experiences provide opportunities for:

  • creative talents to flourish
  • spiritual development
  • increased social awareness
  • physical development
  • mastery in core skills

Memorable contextualised learning experiences, with links to prior learning, will enhance retention and promote a Growth Mindset.

Parity and inclusivity is promoted by the use of agreed methods and by sharing good practice.

Our learning experiences will provide children with the skills and knowledge to prepare them for future life and to make a positive difference to the world.

Curriculum Plans for every year group

These plans give the content of our curriculum in each academic year for every subject

Please click on links below to access the curriculum plans for each year group:

You can find each class's weekly timetable on their page of the website:  Year 3Year 4Year 5 or Year 6 

Curriculum information for every subject 


This document provides the rationale for all our curriculum subjects: Subject curriculum intent statements combined

Individual intent statements along with progression of skills documents for each subject can be found below:

Curriculum Intent
Progression of skills
English - reading
English (reading & writing) intent Reading progression of skills
English - writing
English (reading & writing) intent Writing progression of skills

See our [Maths Page]

Maths intent

Schemes of work: Year 3 - Year 4 - Year 5 - Year 6

See more here: Maths page

Maths progression of skills

Calculation Policy

Science intent

Science progression of knowledge

Science progression of skills

Art intent Art progression of skills
Computing intent Computing progression of skills 
Design & Technology (DT)
DT intent DT progression of skills
Geography intent Geography progression of skills
History intent History progression of skills
Modern Foreign Languages (French)
MFL intent MFL progression of skills

Music intent

Music Scheme of work

Music progression of skills
PE intent

PE progression of skills for sports

PE progression of skills for RealPE development 'cogs'

PSHE intent PSHE progression of skills
RE intent & locally agreed syllabus RE progression of skills

Maths information

See our [Maths Page]

Statutory information


Someries Junior School follows The Luton Agreed Syllabus of Religious Education and the school has no affiliation with any particular denomination.

Our Religious Education programme encourages children to become sensitive to other people and to take an interest in and reflect upon the world about us. Religious festivals and celebrations, stories from sacred books and school visits/visitors all contribute towards spiritual awareness and moral values and our ability to co-operate with others with tolerance and goodwill.

 Relationships Education

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy 

(Parental consultation for this took place in March 2020)

 Remote education provision

Please click here to see our: Remote education provision: information for parents

How to find out more about our curriculum 

To find out more about our curriculum, please contact the school office, who can address your enquiry to our curriculum leader or to the relevant subject leader -  or speak to your child's teacher.